Back to School-Save BIG on Auto Insurance?!

Hard to believe, but summer break is halfway over. Commence the “Back To School” marketing onslaught from your favorite retail stores! But did you know you could also save a LOT of money on auto insurance for your young drivers? Auto insurance companies offer the following discounts to help customers save on your pricey teen drivers. Contact your Keener Insurance Solutions agent today to verify you are getting all the discounts on your policies you are entitled to.

  1. Good student discount: Average of 20-25% savings on the teen driver rate for students who have at least a 2.5 cumulative GPA (B average). Recent grades need to be submitted to your insurance carrier or to your agent for validation. What a simple way to save BIG!
  2. Away at School discount: Average of 20% off the youthful driver rate for college-aged full time students who live away from home WITHOUT a vehicle with them at school. Most carriers set a minimum of 100 miles from home, but we do represent a couple companies who have a smaller radius for eligibility. Because they don’t have regular access to your vehicles while they are at school, the likelihood of something happening is reduced significantly.
  3. Considering buying your son or daughter a vehicle of their own before school starts? Several of the companies we represent rate the young drivers as primary operators on a specific vehicle on your policy. If you purchase a vehicle specifically for your youngster, you may be able to “soften the blow” of the premium impact to your policy, but assigning the youthful operator as primary to the lowest-rated vehicle on your policy. As your KIS agent for more information today!

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Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at Keener Insurance Solutions is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!